dijous, 25 de febrer del 2010

The chronicles of Narnia

During the Second World War, four children were send to the countryside. In the new house they found a magical wardrobe which made them appear in Narnia. They met a beaver who told them about the prophecy. The witch captures Edmund, one of the brothers. The others went to rescue him. Then, the witch killed the lion, and the brothers went to the war against the white witch. When the Sun raised, the lion woke up and it goes to the war. After winning, the brothers and the lion are going to help all his friends petrified by the witch. Then, they crown the four brothers, naming them kings. The four brothers lived a lot of years in Narnia. But one day, hunting to a reindeer, they saw the lantern and the wardrobe, and they return to his reality.

dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2010

An email

Subject: Hi from Paris

Hi Alex,

I’m writing this email from Paris. The weather Is really cold at the moment but I really like it here because the city is very beautiful, and the people who live here is friendly and extroverted. We are visiting the most interesting places and museums of the city.

We’ve just arrived here in Paris, we trabelled by AVE. We stayed five hours in the train, to get to in the middle of the city! But this is the only bad experience that we had.

These days, we’re staying in the Banke Hotel. It's in the same street as La Fayette. Tomorrow we are going to visit the Versailles palace . We're arrive getting here by train.

A survivor's story

One morning in last summer I was studying with my brother on our speed boat. We were in a little beach away from Portbou, when the weather became stormy. I was alone with my brother in the cabin, watching the sea.

Suddenly, we saw a massive wave. It was very frightening. When the wave hit us there was a lot of noise. It was terrible and the next moment there was panic. We were shouting and all things were falling and breaking everywhere.

Afterwards I was OK, but my brother was injured. It was a terrible experience. When we arrive at the harbor 15 minits later, we felt very lucky to be alive.