dijous, 10 de febrer del 2011


Hi Sarah,

I’m just writing to check that everything’s Ok for your visit.

I think you’ll like Banyoles. On Saturday morning, we’re going to do a walk around the lake, maybe my parents will come with us, because they really wants to show you the natural enchantments of the city. We’ll be very busy in the afternoon because we’ll go to Girona to watch a film. Probably, some of my friends will come with us. I expect we’ll end up in a little bar eating a cup of hot chocolate.

On Sunday, we could get a train and go to Portbou. I go there on summer holidays. It’s a lovely place. We can go by the speed boat to a pretty little beach. I’ll show you some photos of there.

We’re going to meet you at the airport next week.

Happy to see you soon,

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