dimecres, 7 d’octubre del 2009

A brochure for a sports and health club

Welcome to Pretty sports and health Club. Here, in the Caiman aisland, you can relax or exercise. Our club is the best because the people who work here are extroverted and friendly. Johnny Deep and his wive are often guests here.

At the Pretty club we have four tennis courts and two gyms, so if you're energetic enough you can do some exercise. Or perhaps you can spend some time sunbathing in pur private beaches.

We also have a plastic surgery specialists, so you can change your image. After one week at the club, people feel better and they look twenty years younger.

1 comentari:

  1. The sport should be important for the society because it have a lot of benefits. In Chile we can find a lot of obesity because the people dont have a sport culture. Treadmills Bangalore
