dilluns, 19 d’abril del 2010

My opinion about the future

I’m not sure about myself, because I don’t know exactly what I want in the future, but I can imagine me working in my own business, or dancing in a performing arts in Barcelona… That’s what I imagine that I would like, but I’m not sure.

I think there’s not an ideal age to choose a profession, because the people are different and maybe one person (since he is a child) wants to be an an artist, and another, changes his opinion one month before going University. It depends of the personality of the person.

In my country, the teenager exam is ‘Selectivitat’ . You do it when you finish the high school.

I think the parents should give advice about careers without pressure.

If the adults pressurize their children, then, the children can’t think clearly, and they probably will choose wrongly his career.

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